Winning Strategies, Tailored for Your Success

I'm excited to announce the launch of our brand-new Weekly Training Series exclusively for all our amazing clients – that means YOU!

August 25, 2023

Got under 5K followers?

You're swimming in the kiddie pool of the social media universe. But hey, don't throw in the towel just yet. I've got three practical ways in this audio to help you make some waves. It ain’t rocket science, it’s just cutting through the noise. Plug in, wise up, and let’s get those numbers growing!

August 23, 2023

Brand Over Products, Every Single Time

In today's social media landscape, simply promoting products isn't the most effective strategy. Instead, the most engaging content often delves into a brand's history, its mission, or gives a glimpse behind the scenes.

It's crucial to understand that today's consumers are interested in more than just a product. They're invested in the journey, values, and narrative behind a brand. If your product-focused content isn't garnering attention, it may be a sign to shift your focus towards your brand's story.

Products may come and go, but a brand's core essence remains. When planning your content, aim for a genuine connection with your audience by sharing meaningful narratives.

Practical Steps to Enhance Engagement

  1. Evaluate your current content. Identify what resonates with your audience.
  2. Prioritize authentic content. For instance, if your company started in a garage, share that origin story.
  3. Engage interactively with your audience. Instead of just broadcasting, ask for their opinions or feedback.
  4. Regularly monitor performance metrics to adapt and improve.
  5. While tactics might change, always stay aligned with your brand's foundational values.

Example: Consider Apple's narrative of starting in Steve Jobs' garage. It's not just about the computers or phones they sell; it's the story of innovation, determination, and vision that captivates their audience.

August 10, 2023

'Conversational Marketing': Your New Approach to Social Media Engagement

Social media has evolved, and so have its users. They don't just want brands talking at them; they want brands talking with them. Our latest video, 'Conversational Marketing,' delves into the nuances of genuine online interaction. Learn how to truly 'read the room' and craft content that people not only consume but also engage with. We're stripping back the constant sell, sell, sell approach and focusing on the heart of social media—connection. Dive in, learn with us, and let's change the way we converse online.

Also check out these numbers! This is what I'm talking about.

Watch or listen below.


August 03, 2023

Your Website - Unleash Its Full Potential with Updates and Analytics Mastery!

We're diving headfirst into the art of website transformation. Get ready to take control of your digital domain as we guide you step by step through the process of updating and editing your website. From refreshing pictures and menus to decoding website stats, we've got you covered!

But that's not all – the real magic happens when you watch the video below. In this exclusive training, we've condensed all the essential tips and tricks, along with real-life examples, to ensure you grasp every concept with ease. This video will be your ultimate go-to resource, empowering you to implement the changes like a pro.

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